Several groups in the US and Canada are already preparing for launch, with plans underway to link reading, discussion and debate to organizing and action.
spectrehtx@gmail.comNew York City
Ottawa SRG online meetings will be from 7:30-9:30 PM, on the second Tuesday of each month. Each meeting will discuss two readings, including at least one from Spectre, and include announcements about upcoming political events in Ottawa-Gatineau.
For more information, please write
spectre.toronto@gmail.comVancouver Island
Whether an “academy of apparitions,” a “congress” of ghostly comrades, or the more feminist “racket of banshees” (or a pun-free socialist reading group) is more suitable to your local haunts, Spectre wants to hear from you and help coordinate efforts.
We’ll organize special events for groups focused on specific Spectre articles and themes as well as discussions of important struggles, and Spectre editors will coordinate with our writers to join you in local group discussions.
“History teaches, but it has no pupils,” if you take Gramsci’s word for it. So, Spectre reading groups are autonomous collectives organized by readers—like you. If there’s not a reading group in your area yet, subscribers who want to initiate them should fill out the form below to let us know!