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Tag: Feminism


Give Us Our Land Back

With the concept of “Shamiya Feminism”, Banah Ghadbian highlights the solidarities connecting Syrian and Palestinian earth-based feminist, ecological, and liberatory resistances.


Reproducing Life Through Capital

Pedro M. Rey-Araújo offers a critical amendment to social reproduction’s idealization of life-making practices through an analysis of capital’s logic.


¡No fue el fuego, fue el estado!

Carla Macal reports on decolonial feminist organizing against gender-based violence in Guatemala.


Nos tenemos entre nosotres

Camila Valle details the history of self-managed abortion, showing that we have always healed collectively and that communities of care are where our power lies.


I Forgot to Die

Tithi Bhattacharya uses Social Reproduction Theory to think Palestinians’ irrepressible creative flourishing beyond Israel’s assaults on life and lifemaking.

Care Work

Social Reproduction Theory and Disability

What then might those committed to social reproduction theory as a mode of concretizing Marxism be able to say regarding “disability”?


Palabras que arden/Words that Burn

María José Contreras reflexiona sobre la traducción y publicación en inglés de Quemar el miedo/Set Fear on Fire de LASTESIS.

María José Contreras reflects on the English-language translation and publication of LASTESIS’s Set Fear on Fire.


Cuando un libro grita/When a Book Shouts

Ángeles Donoso Macaya reflexiona sobre la traducción y publicación en inglés de Quemar el miedo/Set Fear on Fire de LASTESIS.

Ángeles Donoso Macaya reflects on the English-language translation and publication of LASTESIS’s Set Fear on Fire.


The Last Day of Our Acquaintance

Camila Valle writes about the life and resistance of Shuhada’ Sadaqat/Sinéad O’Connor, and the forces that shaped her, from colonialism to the Catholic Church.

The first massive feminist protest in Buenos Aires, June 2015
Class struggle

Making Everything a Feminist Issue

Camila Valle on the violence of Argentina’s neoliberalism, and the radicalizing feminist response that makes everything a feminist issue.


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