Tag: Labor
Last Fair Deal in the Country
Jordy Cummings draws lessons from this year’s CUPE 3903 strike at York University in Toronto.
Canary in the Coal Mine
Cody Melcher reviews John Bardes’s The Carceral City and Lydia Pelot-Hobbs’s Prison Capital.
Higher-Education Bargaining with the “New” UAW
Aaron Berman reflects on using accreditation as leverage, and the impact of the new UAW leadership on the Academic Student Workers’ strike at the New School.
Lessons from the Rutgers Strike
Rhiannon Maton draws lessons from the Rutgers strike, six months later.
Labor’s Upsurge and the Search for Workers’ Power
Kim Moody writes about how we should understand the UAW strike against the backdrop of a larger wave.
Germany 1923
Part two of Sean Larson’s reconstruction of the failed German Revolution of 1923, and the episode’s lessons for revolutionaries today.
Germany 1923
Part one of Sean Larson’s reconstruction of the failed German Revolution of 1923, and the episode’s lessons for revolutionaries today.
Popular Protest and Labor Insurgency in Iran
Shirin Kamangar analyzes the strengths and the weaknesses of Iran’s movement cycle.
Marching to a Different Drummer
Susan Ferguson explains how an analytic focus on time and temporalities might help us better understand how capitalism concretely conditions the work of life-making.
“We Won!”: University Professors Strike in Québec City
This February, thirteen-hundred faculty members walked off the job at Québec City’s Université Laval for nearly five weeks, winning a number of concessions from the university including pay raises and improvements to faculty workloads. Rhiannon Maton interviews Nat Nesvaderani about life on the picket line and the lessons learned for future struggles.