Tag: Marxist Theory
An Organic Crisis Is Upon Us
As the world descends into chaos, political struggles are articulated in unexpected ways. Gramsci’s concept of “organic crisis” can help us make sense of this mess and what it all means for the politics of class struggle.
Jordy Cummings’ Review of Comrade
Is it possible to think, write, and practice a communism that is not fully determined by the debates and divisions of the twentieth century, one that learns from socialist and communist struggles—victories as well as defeats—and extends the struggle for communism into the twenty-first century?
How “Just-in-Time” Capitalism Spread COVID-19
Historically, most epidemics have spread geographically through two common forms of long-distance movement: trade and war. The timing, however, changed dramatically with the rise of capitalism.
Thoughts on Jodi Dean’s Comrade
What politics underlies the concept of “comradeship”? Is it a term that levels the playing field, or is it imposed from the top down?
A Left Case for Hong Kong Self-Determination
Though the left has been sidelined in these protests, our role should neither be simply tailing the demands nor opposing them.
The Virus, Capitalism, and the Long Depression
An interview with Marxist economist Michael Roberts about COVID-19 and its likely impact on politics, consciousness, and struggle in the coming years.
Let the Haunting Begin!
The era of “there is no alternative” to capital’s rule is behind us, but what lies ahead?