Tag: Organizing
Forms of Radical Democracy
Will Clark goes beyond the scenes of repression to outline some of the liberatory possibilities presented by the encampment as political form.
From Vietnam to Palestine
Richard Lai, Lynn Ta, and Promise Li discuss solidarity between Palestinians and the Vietnamese diaspora and the challenge of situating local organization in the context of global imperialism.
Higher-Education Bargaining with the “New” UAW
Aaron Berman reflects on using accreditation as leverage, and the impact of the new UAW leadership on the Academic Student Workers’ strike at the New School.
Abolition and Tenant Power in Chinatown
Tenant organizers in LA write about the power of abolitionist politics in the fight against displacement in Chinatown.
Farah’s 50 Years Later
Fifty years ago, thousands of garment workers along the U.S.-Mexico border launched a two-year strike and boycott at Farah Manufacturing. Gabriel Solis draws lessons from their struggle for social movements on the border today.
The Rank & File Strategy and the New Socialist Movement
Kim Moody responds to Kate Doyle Griffiths critical essay on the rank and file strategy, criticizing electoralist appropriations along the way.