Tag: Anti-imperialism
From Fossil Capital to Green Capital
Kai Bosworth reviews Adam Hanieh’s Crude Capitalism, arguing that Hanieh’s analysis hellpfully emphasizes the “capitalism” in “fossil capitalism.”
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Enemy
Shireen Akram-Boshar interviews Rima Majed about the Israeli-Lebananese ceasefire and the future of popular resistance in Lebanon.
Imperialism as Antagonistic Cooperation
Drawing on previously untranslated work from POLOP and August Thalheimer, Promise Li theorizes the interdependent character of today’s imperial order.
Workers of the Earth, Unite!
Dan Boscov-Ellen interviews Stefania Barca about her new book on the potentiality of workers as ecological subjects and what this means for the future of ecosocialist strategy.
From Ukraine to Palestine
Blanca Missé turns back to the imperialist conflicts of the twentieth century to chart the course for a consistent internationalist anti-imperialism.
Review of China in Global Capitalism
Ralf Ruckus reviews Eli Friedman, Kevin Lin, Rosa Liu, and Ashley Smith’s China in Global Capitalism. How does China’s transition to capitalism affect anti-imperial strategies on the left?
The Kenyan Uprising
Zachary J. Patterson analyzes the neocolonial history fueling the Kenyan uprising and the organizational strategies of the #RutoMustGo movement.
Give Us Our Land Back
With the concept of “Shamiya Feminism”, Banah Ghadbian highlights the solidarities connecting Syrian and Palestinian earth-based feminist, ecological, and liberatory resistances.
Commencement Address at the People’s University for a Liberated Palestine
Spectre is proud to publish Ananya Roy’s commencement address from the People’s University for a Liberated Palestine.
In Solidarity with the Encampments! In Solidarity with Palestine!
Palestine is the moral and political litmus test of our time. Spectre stands in solidarity with the encampment movement against the genocide in Gaza.