Tag: Anti-racism
Under Postfascism, Fractures in the State Will Make Openings for Protest
What does Trump’s election mean for the immediate future of social struggles?
The Antisemitism of Zionism
Shane Burley argues that Zionism has a long history of entrenching antisemitism and serves as a reactionary, radical sectionalist mode of politics that spells disaster for both Jews and humanity more broadly.
Workers of the Earth, Unite!
Dan Boscov-Ellen interviews Stefania Barca about her new book on the potentiality of workers as ecological subjects and what this means for the future of ecosocialist strategy.
Social Lynching
Corey Devon Arthur discusses the racist media campaign in the run-up to his sentencing and what it felt like to be labeled a “superpredator.”
Canary in the Coal Mine
Cody Melcher reviews John Bardes’s The Carceral City and Lydia Pelot-Hobbs’s Prison Capital.
Black Reconstruction in Palestine
What abolition, reconstruction, and decolonization teach us about how Palestinian liberation means the liberation of all.
I Forgot to Die
Tithi Bhattacharya uses Social Reproduction Theory to think Palestinians’ irrepressible creative flourishing beyond Israel’s assaults on life and lifemaking.
The Isolation Diary
Demetrius Buckley meditates on the experience of being on hunger strike in the hole.
From Palestine to Tahrir Square
Hossam el-Hamalawy argues that Palestine’s struggle for self-determination has served as an inspiration for the struggle for democracy in Egypt
On the Anti-Racist Revolt in France
Ibrahim Bechrouri analyzes 2023’s summer of anti-racist protest in France, its place in a series of Black, Brown, poor, and working class rebellions, and the French state’s violent repression of the revolt.