Tag: Anti-racism
Bartending in the Apocalypse
Interview with James Brooke about his graphic vignettes from Bartending the Apocalypse, and excerpts from the work. More available on Instagram: @bartendingintheapocalypse
ILWU, ILA, and Teamsters Take Action in Honor of George Floyd
An interview with ILWU’s Clarence Thomas on race, class, and longshore work in relation to the current round of uprisings
Agents of Repression
A thought experiment on why the police dont deserve the protections of working class solidarity.
For a Grad Workers’ Strike
Graduate workers can and must be at the forefront of a strike against cops, austerity, and indeed, the capitalist university as it currently exists.
Theses on the Uprising
Spectre’s editorial statement on the ongoing uprising: unconditional support for the rebellion and victory to those in the streets! When we decide that we will decide, a new epoch is on the horizon.
The Only Way Out of the Crisis Is to Fight for Open Borders
With urgency and coherency, all movements emanating from this crisis must begin with the call for open borders. But what does this mean in practical terms for the class struggle to come?
Covid-19 Denialism and Xenophobia
Edna Bonhomme explains how Germany’s relatively sucessful COVID-19 policy is fueling denialism, conspiracism, xenophobia, and racism – and how it may undermine the public health response.