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Tag: Climate


In Defense of Climate Anger

Our biospheric breakdown is not a tragedy but a crime—a crime so egregious that we must raise our collective fist in righteous anger.


Know Your Enemy

In this original, empirically rich study, Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective provide a systematic inquiry into the political ecology of the far right in the twenty-first century.


We’re on Our Own

What happened in Texas is not an example of capitalism in crisis. It’s an example of the system at work.


Extracting the Andes

Martín Arboleda’s exceptionally ambitious Planetary Mine, attempts to connect the abstract unfolding of a process of global capital accumulation linking Chile and China across the world market, together with the concrete, sensuous, quotidian realities of labor, territory, and urban life on either end of that abstract flow.

Agrarian question

Let a Thousand Fiefdoms Bloom

Chris Smaje’s new book has received glowing reviews from ecosocialists. But scratch beneath the surface, and you will find a disturbing vision of the future defined by exploitation, domination, and patriarchy.


Global Fever

Gareth Dale reviews Andreas Malm’s forthcoming book on responses to the coronavirus and climate change. “Malm describes his project as Leninist—but which of the umpteen Lenins is his?”


Infectious Optimism

Dan Boscov-Ellen writes about the limits of reform to stave off climate change, and proposes radical alternatives.

A lone truck or "road train" travels down an otherwise empty Australian road, beneath a blue and party cloudy sky

How “Just-in-Time” Capitalism Spread COVID-19

Historically, most epidemics have spread geographically through two common forms of long-distance movement: trade and war. The timing, however, changed dramatically with the rise of capitalism.


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