Tag: Fascism/Antifascism
Tearing Down the Welfare State
Onni Ahvonen and Juulia Kela analyze the complicity between neoliberal austerity and disaster nationalism undermining the Finnish welfare state.
Acting Jewishly During a Genocide
Charlotte Rosen considers Joshua Leifer’s new book, which appears more likely to presage the author’s turn to Jewish conservatism than to be embraced by anyone on the left.
Tolkien’s Deplorable Cultus
Robert T. Tally Jr. reads Tolkien’s corpus with the tools of Marxist literary criticism, delivering a devastating blow to the fantasy writer’s rightist fans.
The Middle Ground is Still a Mass Grave
As a settler-colony scrambling to hang on to its dominant position within the current international order, the United States recognizes Israel as a kindred spirit and accomplice that is similarly threatening to buckle under the weight of its own irresolvable contradictions.
Germany 1923
Part two of Sean Larson’s reconstruction of the failed German Revolution of 1923, and the episode’s lessons for revolutionaries today.
Germany 1923
Part one of Sean Larson’s reconstruction of the failed German Revolution of 1923, and the episode’s lessons for revolutionaries today.
Stand Up and Fight for, and Alongside, Your Trans Siblings
Danelle Wylder’s expanded speech from Chicago’s Trans Day of Resistance.
The New Anti-Dreyfusards
Benjamin Balthaser argues that Antony Lerman’s recent book on state antisemitism fails to develop a theory of antisemitism for the current moment.
Family Abolition
Colin Wilson on Sophie Lewis and the politics of family abolition
Understanding the Carnage
The Colorado Springs shooting represents a wave of proto-fascist violence targeting queer and trans people. Now, more than ever, is the time for a mass movement for LGBTQ liberation.