Archives: Online Posts
Review of Jacob Heilbrunn’s America Last
Hank Kennedy critiques the imperialist consensus uniting the supposed antifascist coalition of neoconservatives and social democratic “reformers.”
Tearing Down the Welfare State
Onni Ahvonen and Juulia Kela analyze the complicity between neoliberal austerity and disaster nationalism undermining the Finnish welfare state.
Imperialism as Antagonistic Cooperation
Drawing on previously untranslated work from POLOP and August Thalheimer, Promise Li theorizes the interdependent character of today’s imperial order.
The Generosity of Fredric Jameson
Robert T. Tally pays tribute to Fredric Jameson’s tremendous generosity, that is, the late theorist’s drive to both know the world and change it for the better.
Workers of the Earth, Unite!
Dan Boscov-Ellen interviews Stefania Barca about her new book on the potentiality of workers as ecological subjects and what this means for the future of ecosocialist strategy.
Is Rent the Crisis? On the Tenant Union Movement, Old and New
Holden Taylor reviews Abolish Rent: How Tenants Can End the Housing Crisis.
From Ukraine to Palestine
Blanca Missé turns back to the imperialist conflicts of the twentieth century to chart the course for a consistent internationalist anti-imperialism.
Review of China in Global Capitalism
Ralf Ruckus reviews Eli Friedman, Kevin Lin, Rosa Liu, and Ashley Smith’s China in Global Capitalism. How does China’s transition to capitalism affect anti-imperial strategies on the left?
The Kenyan Uprising
Zachary J. Patterson analyzes the neocolonial history fueling the Kenyan uprising and the organizational strategies of the #RutoMustGo movement.
Acting Jewishly During a Genocide
Charlotte Rosen considers Joshua Leifer’s new book, which appears more likely to presage the author’s turn to Jewish conservatism than to be embraced by anyone on the left.