Archives: Online Posts
Tolkien’s Deplorable Cultus
Robert T. Tally Jr. reads Tolkien’s corpus with the tools of Marxist literary criticism, delivering a devastating blow to the fantasy writer’s rightist fans.
General Election 2024
Jonny Jones analyzes Labour’s direction after its electoral victory and the Tories’ collapse. How should the left respond to Labour’s rightward swing?
Give Us Our Land Back
With the concept of “Shamiya Feminism”, Banah Ghadbian highlights the solidarities connecting Syrian and Palestinian earth-based feminist, ecological, and liberatory resistances.
Bolivia: Key Points About the Failed Military Coup and its Aftermath
Pablo Stefanoni analyzes the struggles within the MAS and economic context leading to June’s failed military coup in Bolivia.
Abstract Models, Concrete Frictions
Samuel Fisher probes the limits of Søren Mau’s recent book Mute Compulsion.
An Unending Genocide
Spectre’s Shireen Akram-Boshar speaks with Toufic Haddad about the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
Resisting Israeli Scholasticide and Academic Apartheid
Maya Wind outlines and expands her argument in Towers of Ivory and Steel for an academic boycott of Israeli universities, and connects it to the broader encampment movement.
Forms of Radical Democracy
Will Clark goes beyond the scenes of repression to outline some of the liberatory possibilities presented by the encampment as political form.
Exit Velocity
Bill Roberts reviews Barbara Gregorich’s latest book, Exit Velocity, a novel about a young working-class hero.
Reproducing Life Through Capital
Pedro M. Rey-Araújo offers a critical amendment to social reproduction’s idealization of life-making practices through an analysis of capital’s logic.