Archives: Online Posts
Towards a General Strike to End the COVID-19 Crisis and Create a New World
We must do everything that we can to create a new, just, equitable and ecologically regenerative economy. The question is: how?
Cooperation Jackson
April 3, 2020
Marxist Theory
A Left Case for Hong Kong Self-Determination
Though the left has been sidelined in these protests, our role should neither be simply tailing the demands nor opposing them.
Promise Li
April 3, 2020
On Social Reproduction and the Covid-19 Pandemic
This pandemic, and the ruling class response to it, offers a clear and tragic illustration of the idea at the heart of Social Reproduction Theory.
The Marxist Feminist Collective
April 3, 2020
The Virus, Capitalism, and the Long Depression
An interview with Marxist economist Michael Roberts about COVID-19 and its likely impact on politics, consciousness, and struggle in the coming years.
Ashley Smith
March 24, 2020
Let the Haunting Begin!
The era of “there is no alternative” to capital’s rule is behind us, but what lies ahead?
Spectre Editorial Board
March 24, 2020