Archives: Online Posts
Rosa Luxemburg and the Final Conflict
Paul LeBlanc reflects on the relevance of Rosa Luxemburg’s legacy today.
Covid Capitalism
Covid-19 has starkly revealed not only the brutal systemic priorities of capitalism—profit-making over life-making—but also the relationship between capital and the capitalist state form. We should be attentive to this relationship in order to face a darker truth about this crisis: that it is far from an anomaly and that lacking a body blow to the system, we should prepare for a world where such crises and its effects become part of our daily lives.
COVID-19 as Social Murder
COVID-19 isn’t just a pandemic. Let’s put the homicidal structures of capitalism on trial.
Covid-19 Denialism and Xenophobia
Edna Bonhomme explains how Germany’s relatively sucessful COVID-19 policy is fueling denialism, conspiracism, xenophobia, and racism – and how it may undermine the public health response.
Learning from Las Vegas
Alex Doris discusses Bernie Sanders victory in Nevada’s Democractic Party primary in terms of the Culinary union there, health care, “fortress unionism,’ mass COIVD-19 layoffs and lessons for the left.
An Organic Crisis Is Upon Us
As the world descends into chaos, political struggles are articulated in unexpected ways. Gramsci’s concept of “organic crisis” can help us make sense of this mess and what it all means for the politics of class struggle.

Cross-Border Feminist Manifesto
International feminist manifesto about the pandemic, global crisis, and the need for continued struggle.

Transit Workers’ Struggle in a Pandemic
A transit worker writes of the political potential of the demand for PPE.
Historical Lessons of the Syrian Revolution
Notes on the betrayal of the Syrian left
¡Fuera Piñera!
An analysis of the 2019-20 uprising in Chile.