Tag: Anti-colonialism
From Fossil Capital to Green Capital
Kai Bosworth reviews Adam Hanieh’s Crude Capitalism, arguing that Hanieh’s analysis hellpfully emphasizes the “capitalism” in “fossil capitalism.”
The Antisemitism of Zionism
Shane Burley argues that Zionism has a long history of entrenching antisemitism and serves as a reactionary, radical sectionalist mode of politics that spells disaster for both Jews and humanity more broadly.
The Kenyan Uprising
Zachary J. Patterson analyzes the neocolonial history fueling the Kenyan uprising and the organizational strategies of the #RutoMustGo movement.
Resisting Israeli Scholasticide and Academic Apartheid
Maya Wind outlines and expands her argument in Towers of Ivory and Steel for an academic boycott of Israeli universities, and connects it to the broader encampment movement.
Commencement Address at the People’s University for a Liberated Palestine
Spectre is proud to publish Ananya Roy’s commencement address from the People’s University for a Liberated Palestine.
¡No fue el fuego, fue el estado!
Carla Macal reports on decolonial feminist organizing against gender-based violence in Guatemala.
Palestine: Ground Zero of a Liberated World
Spectre’s Editorial Board invites you to a panel discussion on May 22nd discussing their special issue on Palestine. Featuring Eman Abdelhadi, Shireen Akram-Boshar, Sai Englert, Zachary Levenson, and Abdel Razzaq Takriti.
The Repression of Pro-Palestinian Education and Resistance
Jairo I. Fúnez-Flores analyzes Governor Abbott’s attempted repression of pro-Palestinian education in Texas, drawing out the larger role of Palestinian solidarity and organizing in and beyond a largely conservative academia.
I Forgot to Die
Tithi Bhattacharya uses Social Reproduction Theory to think Palestinians’ irrepressible creative flourishing beyond Israel’s assaults on life and lifemaking.
Resisting the Debt System
Ashley Smith interviews Éric Toussaint about the history of the debt system and its new crisis.