Tag: DSA
On the Bowman Crisis
Shireen Akram-Boshar and Joel Reinstein argue that the DSA right wing’s misplaced crackdown on Palestine solidarity activism impedes the growth of a principled socialist movement.
The Necessity of Taking Back the Streets
Warren Montag probes the limits of current DSA strategy in the context of the American far right’s revival. What can the organization do under these conditions?
Moments of Truth
The struggle for Palestinian liberation isn’t an optional part of a socialist program; it’s an obligatory part of any anti-imperialist politics today.
The Rank & File Strategy and the New Socialist Movement
Kim Moody responds to Kate Doyle Griffiths critical essay on the rank and file strategy, criticizing electoralist appropriations along the way.
The Interregnum
Spectre’s Tithi Bhattacharya interviewed Meagan Day, Justin Charles, and Charlie Post about the left, electoral strategy, and class and social movements after the defeat of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary. In the first part, each answers Bhattacharya’s questions and in the second part, they respond to one another.