Tag: Marxist Theory
What Was Chinese Trotskyism?
Taking Wang Fanxi’s analysis of Chinese Trotskyism as his point of departure, Promise Li argues that recovering dissident Marxisms is essential for the contemporary project of challenging bureaucratic cooptation of working-class struggles.
Decolonization without National Sovereignty
Nandita Sharma responds to Neil Braganza’s review of her book Home Rule: National Sovereignty and the Separation of Natives and Migrants
Critical Limits of the “New” History of Capitalism
James Parisot critically engages Jonathan Levy’s new history of American capitalism. What are the politics of the so-called “new history of capitalism”?
Rethinking Japan’s Red Years
Gavin Walker discusses the history and state of Marxist theory in Japan from the early 20th century to the present day.
What Is the Meaning of Revolution Today?
Spectre editor David McNally confronts the new reformism, calling for radical honesty as we assess the meaning of revolution today.
Know Your Enemy
In this original, empirically rich study, Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective provide a systematic inquiry into the political ecology of the far right in the twenty-first century.
Turning a Profit from Death
How can we stem Narendra Modi’s murderous response to Covid-19 in India? Spectre’s Tithi Bhattacharya explains why anti-capitalism is central to this struggle and why Modi is by no means up to the task.
Mariátegui in Debate
Deni Alfaro Rubbo reviews Mike Gonzalez’s new book, In the Red Corner, about the political ideas of José Carlos Mariátegui.
Rosa Luxemburg and Postcolonial Criticism
Helen Scott argues that Rosa Luxemburg is a key figure in postcolonial literary criticism whose contributions to the field have tended to be overlooked.