Tag: Neoliberalism
The Centrality of Reproduction and the Question of Labor Power
Sean K. Isaacs reviews Rebecca Caron’s Immanent Externalities<.em>, arguing that social reproduction politics demands a recentering of labor power.
Tearing Down the Welfare State
Onni Ahvonen and Juulia Kela analyze the complicity between neoliberal austerity and disaster nationalism undermining the Finnish welfare state.
The Kenyan Uprising
Zachary J. Patterson analyzes the neocolonial history fueling the Kenyan uprising and the organizational strategies of the #RutoMustGo movement.
Syria’s Protest Movement
Joseph Daher analyzes the causes, scope, strategy, and possible growth of the ongoing regime protest movement in Syria.
Resisting the Debt System
Ashley Smith interviews Éric Toussaint about the history of the debt system and its new crisis.
Making Everything a Feminist Issue
Camila Valle on the violence of Argentina’s neoliberalism, and the radicalizing feminist response that makes everything a feminist issue.
Readings on Feminism and Neoliberalism
Verónica Gago develops the theory and strategy of the feminist response to neoliberalism in Latin America.
Mexico’s Ejido Experiment
Richard Velázquez Perales shows how Mexico’s ejidos offer more liberated relations of agrarian production but cannot alone resolve rural inequalities which predate, but were magnified by, neoliberal reforms.
Sexuality in a Lockdown
Colin Wilson on what COVID-19 reveals about the politics of sexuality, race, class, and gender for the future of LGBTQ liberation.