Archives: Online Posts
A Semester to Die For
In our latest dispatch, an English professor argues that plowing ahead with university reopening in the fall is akin to the Thatcherite mantra, “There is no alternative.”
Notes Toward a More Global History of Capitalism
Andrew Liu explains his new book on the development of capitalism in India and China in relation to his reading of Marx’s Capital. It is the concept of value, he argues, that allows us to fully realize what is novel about capitalist production.
Smash the Banks in Order to Nationalize Them
In the wake of economic crisis, Lebanon’s Marxist forces have regrouped around a key demand: nationalize the banks!
Cops Off Campus and Out of Our Unions!
A member of an emergent radical caucus in CUNY’s PSC advocates expelling cop unions from all labor federations.
Fearless and Fired Up: Lessons from the 1930s
An interview with the author of “Communists in Harlem During the Depression” on how the CP organized beyond the workplace in the 1930s and its applicability to the current moment.
Middle School Can’t Be Digitized
A middle school teacher explains why we can’t just throw all of our lessons online in the face of COVID-19 and pretend that education is continuing as usual.