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Archives: Online Posts

Healthcare workers in masks hold up three protest signs and banners: Quality Health Care for All New Yorkers, Captialism: Do Not Resucitate: Healthcare Workers for Socialism, How Many of us must die? #PPEoverprofit #ProtecttheFrontLine
Care Work

Only the Rank and File Can Save Us Now

Organizing, workplace action, and basic protective equipment is not a privilege. It is a necessity if we want to be able to contain Covid-19 and for saving the lives of nurses and patients.

Soviet-Era Bas-relief on the facade of a building in Minsk, Belarus

Jordy Cummings’ Review of Comrade

Is it possible to think, write, and practice a communism that is not fully determined by the debates and divisions of the twentieth century, one that learns from socialist and communist struggles—victories as well as defeats—and extends the struggle for communism into the twenty-first century?

A lone truck or "road train" travels down an otherwise empty Australian road, beneath a blue and party cloudy sky

How “Just-in-Time” Capitalism Spread COVID-19

Historically, most epidemics have spread geographically through two common forms of long-distance movement: trade and war. The timing, however, changed dramatically with the rise of capitalism.

Soviet-Era Bas-relief on the facade of a building in Minsk, Belarus

Thoughts on Jodi Dean’s Comrade

What politics underlies the concept of “comradeship”? Is it a term that levels the playing field, or is it imposed from the top down?

An empty street in lower Manhattan

On Social Reproduction and the Covid-19 Pandemic

This pandemic, and the ruling class response to it, offers a clear and tragic illustration of the idea at the heart of Social Reproduction Theory.


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