Tag: socialism
Kyle Kubler addresses the desires and realities of physical culture in the Soviet Union during the period surrounding the October Revolution.
On the Bowman Crisis
Shireen Akram-Boshar and Joel Reinstein argue that the DSA right wing’s misplaced crackdown on Palestine solidarity activism impedes the growth of a principled socialist movement.
The Interregnum
Spectre’s Tithi Bhattacharya interviewed Meagan Day, Justin Charles, and Charlie Post about the left, electoral strategy, and class and social movements after the defeat of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary. In the first part, each answers Bhattacharya’s questions and in the second part, they respond to one another.
The Rank and File Strategy on New Terrain
How should we think about the rank and file strategy in light of recent developments, and how can it incorporate an analysis of social reproduction? Kate Doyle Griffiths reflects on what this means for socialist strategy today.
A Capitalist Virus against Global Solidarity
Robert Cuffy on global solidarity against police repression
A Message from Walter Rodney
Robert Cuffy gives a speech at a march in New York City on Juneteenth, drawing on the words of Guyanese revolutionary Walter Rodney.